Monday, July 31, 2017

The new belfry deck continued

Photos from the continuing work in the belfry

From Monday, July 31:

Tulpehocken Street face of the tower with the gant line (rope system) used to haul equipment and materials  up to the belfry.  Photo by Eve Gentieu

Gant line up close.  Photo by Eve Gentieu

Chris working from the access hatch opening.  Photo by Eve Gentieu

East side of the belfry looking south with copper pipe that will be used for drain pipe on the outside of the tower.  Photo by Eve Gentieu

Bell hatch cover with bell cranks and bells above; Tom at back opening.  Photo by Eve Gentieu. 

Tom with access hatch cover wrapped in copper.  Photo by Eve Gentieu

 Looking at the southwest corner inside the bellframe with the electrical access point wrapped in copper.  Photo by Eve Gentieu.

From Friday, July 28:

The south side of the belfry (Tulpehocken Street to the left) with the hatch door to the access stairs covered in copper.  Photo by Chris McKee

The bell hatch covered in copper.  Note that the holes and tubes for the wires to the clappers are not yet done.  The copper tubes will be inserted into the holes in the wood support for additional stability before they are soldered to the copper deck.  This is an improvement over the original tubes which were just attached to the tin covering on top.  In front of the hatch is the small opening for the rope/wire to toll (rotate) the #1 bell (the biggest bell).   Photo by Chris McKee.

The northeast corner of the belfry where the worst leaking had occurred.  Notice the new drain to the right and the uncovered beam to the left (by the photographer's foot).  The beam is part of the bellframe that was covered in tin and will be re-covered in copper as part of the restoration.   Photo by Chris McKee.

The east side of the belfry looking north with new copper deck.  Photo by Chris McKee.

July 2017: Great News - A New Belfry Deck!

Responding to the damage from rain water leaking into the tower from the belfry deck, Bishop Daniel G. P Gutiérrez and the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania generously provided funding to repair the damage and install a new belfry deck. 

"Before" pictures: 

Rotted and failing main beam next to the wall with rotted and failing reinforcement in front, northeast corner of the tower.

Failing reinforcing beam with damaged deck support boards above, north side towards northeast corner. 

Rotting deck support boards, southeast corner.

"Temporary" interior drain pipe, looking toward northeast corner. 

Original tin deck material showing rust damage (rust originated on unpainted inside surface) 

Holes and seam separation in old aluminum deck.

The old aluminum deck coming apart at the seams, allowing rainwater into the tower.

 Repairs began Monday, July 10, 2017.  
Work underway pictures: 

The wires connecting the clappers to the chimestand (console) have been disconnected and dropped.  This is not the way the bell cranks and clappers normally look. 

Rotted main beam and reinforcement removed, northeast corner.  Hole is from "temporary" drainpipe.  Photo by Chris McKee.

Rotted main beam removed, north side of tower.  Photo by Chris McKee.

Rotted main beam removed, north side of tower looking toward the west.  Photo by Chris McKee.

Rotted out end of main beam as seen after removal. Photo by Chris McKee.

New main beam installed along north wall as seen from above with old aluminum decking still partially in place.  Photo by Chris McKee.

New main beam along north wall as seen from below with some of the old deck support boards removed.  Photo by Chris McKee.

New main beam along north wall as seen from below with all of the old deck support boards and old aluminum decking removed.  Photo by Chris McKee.

New permanent copper drain pipe to go through stone wall of the tower (original tower design).  NOTE:  DATE ON THIS AND FOLLOWING PHOTOS IS WRONG; IT SHOULD BE 07/18/2017

New drain opening through the side of the copper roofing per original tower design.

New beam and new reinforcements with new deck support boards in place, northeast corner.

Looking up along north wall, new main beam, new reinforcements, and new deck support boards.

New reinforcement and new deck support boards, southeast corner.

Chris McKee shaping copper over lip of hatch opening.

With hatch displaced, copper roofing installed over the ice shield along the north side of the belfry (left side of photo).

Northeast corner of belfry with new copper roof and drain.  This was the site of the worst leaking and greatest damage. Copper roofing integration into stone wall remains to be done.

Looking up at underside of northeast corner with repaired and replaced wood.

Looking up at underside of northwest corner with repaired and replaced wood.